Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Pac All-star Uniform team

With the regular season wrapped up, I thought it would be nice to show you MY favorite single-game looks for each of the 12 teams in 2022. The order is alphabetical by division, so no judgement ranking. (You can check out my ranking of the teams from preseason here) Some of these looks might not have been the best visual matchup with their opponent that day, but rounding those up is another list. In general color is going to be better than white or mono, so in all cases I picked a home look with alternating school colors for these teams, and tradition almost always trumps innovation so my favorites tend to be classic.


IMHO, Cal's normal uniforms rely on a too much of a too-dark navy blue (helmet and jersey), so my favorite looks this season were their two throwback sets that utilize a possibly? lighter navy and bright blue and more even use of yellow. The Big Game set and/or Joe Roth set should be their normal uniform.


Being a 30-year Oregon fan, I have gotten to see the evolution of their look, and their best looks tend to be ones that harken back to tradition so I'm a  sucker for their unique green and yellow together. This was the closest they got to a true combo. The perfect combo IMHO though is yellow/green/yellow or green/yellow/green, but they have not worn either of those this season, so there is hope for the bowl game?

Oregon State

The Beavers tend to rely on all-black too much (but at least it is a school color and not BFBS) but orange is unique in the Pac-12 so that is my preferred look for them.


Their road mono-white has never been a favorite so my only other choice is home red.


Ashamed to say (as a Duck) that purple and gold is a darn good combo.

Washington State

Crimson and Gray all the way!


See Stanford for my reasoning to choose their blue.

Arizona State

The Sun Devils have looked either anemic or oversaturated. The maroon jersey and candy-red helmets are the best of a mixed bag for me.


Another team that has black as a color, but best paired with gold. I just wish they would do what UCLA did and match their pants to the helmet.

Being that the LA schools pretty much wear only home/away, its an easy choice for their home uniforms!



Red and black! The special helmet is not my favorite and this could be better with red helmet, but much like Oregon they did not wear red/black/red  or  black/red/red this season.

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